The Ode to Duty is one of the noblest poems in the whole range of English Literature. It was produced at eh turning-point of the poet’s career. In this poem we get the rather simple idea that duty is conscientiousness. It means due attention to the world and its cares. As the poet will say many years later: “The education of man and above all of a Christian is the education of duty”.
Stanza I : Duty is the stern daughter of the voice of God. Duty is the light that guides human beings along the right path and prevents them from following the path of evil. Under its guidance human beings gain the victory over groundless fears and temptations of life. It puts and end to the mental conflicts of human beings.
Stanza II : There are some people who instinctively follow the right path. They do not require the guidance of duty. They are led purely by their generous impulses which are characteristic of youth. They are really very happy. They perform their duty without being aware of it and their conduct is naturally blameless. If such people ever go astray, duty should come to their rescue by putting them on the right path again.
Stanza III : It will be happy day for human beings when they are correctly guided by their natural instincts and feel a spontaneous joy in doing right. Even now there are some happy men who completely rely upon love and joy to guide them, but seek the help of duty whenever they are in doubt.
Stanza IV: In the past the post did not know the danger of the chartered freedom of trusting solely to one’s impulses and led a life of unrestrained freedom. Though he was not swept away by the wild gusts of passion, he was under the influence of his own natural impulses. On many occasions he heard the calls of duty in his heart, but preferred the easier life of self-indulgence to the hard path of duty. Now he resolves to follow the dictates of duty more strictly.
Stanza V: The poet’s desire to live under the constant supervision of duty does not spring from mental agitation or remorse. After calm deliberation he has realized that the path of duty is the right path of action. He is tired of leading a life of unrestrained freedom and the sudden outbursts of passion are an irksome burden to him. He would not like his hopes to fluctuate with the passage of time. Now he wishes to enjoy a calm and peaceful life.
Stanza VI: Duty is a stern law-giver. Duty wears and an expression of kindness which is divine. A charming smile plays upon the lips of duty. It is through the power of duty that flowers bloom in their beds and spread their fragrance in due season. In obedience to duty the stars move always in their orbits. Even the ancient heavens have preserved their strength and freshness through the power of duty.
Stanza VII: The poet invokes duty to supervise his actions and deeds. In regulating his life, duty will only be performing a petty task. He places himself under the guidance of duty from now onwards. He hopes to overcome his weaknesses by following the path of duty. The poet, who is now made wise by being humbled, asks duty to give him the spirit of self-sacrifice and confidence that is based on reason, and to let him live in the light of truth.
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